In Touch Directory Of 50-Plus-Friendly Groups & Organisations

In Touch is our directory of things to do in Calderdale for the over-50s.

Here you will find hundreds of 50-friendly social groups, clubs, classes and activity providers across Calderdale to provide you with things to do.

If your group club or organisation would like to be featured, please get In Touch here

Friendship Groups, Social Groups & Coffee Mornings

Health, Wellbeing & Fitness Classes

Hobby & Special Interest Groups

Support Groups

Women’s Institutes – find details of WI groups across Calderdale.

Membership Clubs

U3A Todmorden is part of a world-wide self-help educational movement for older people no longer in full-time work. With over 400 members, they run a regular programme of activities and hold monthly meetings at 2pm on the 3rd Thursday at Todmorden College.  Activities include Art appreciation, languages, creative writing, gardening, crown green bowls and many more. Find out more

Brighouse Third Age run a wider variety of classes and activities from Waring Green Community Centre including table tennis, flower arranging, French conversation, beginner’s bridge, keep fit & tap dance, indoor kurling, art, a history group, luncheon club and organise outings and invite a speaker once a month to their membership meetings.  They run regular walks of around 5 miles in different parts of Calderdale.  Car sharing can be arranged. More details on their website.

Halifax & Huddersfield IVC are a social and activities club with a reputation for friendliness. They have a good mixture of long term and new members which creates a vibrant atmosphere, meaning that you can quickly get to know most other people and feel part of the group. Their activities are organised by members for members, therefore reflecting people’s actual interests.  Find out more.

Heartbeat is the heart support group for people in West Yorkshire who have heart-related health conditions. Their aim is to improve the quality of life and the life expectancy of their Members. The charity is run by volunteer Trustees and they hold walks with trained walk leaders three times a fortnight and offer several fun exercise and Tai Chi classes each week as well at Brighouse Sports Club. Find out more.

Illingworth & Bradshaw Over-50s Group was formed specifically to improve the health and wellbeing of people over 50 in North Halifax. Activities include bowling (Summer only), Keep Fit, Pilates, New-age Kurling and more.  If you are interested in meeting new friends and doing new activities call the Secretary onn 01422 249070.

Rotary Clubs in Calderdale
Rotary is a global network of people who want to unite to make change. There are several Rotary Clubs in Calderdale.
Halifax Rotary
Sowerby Bridge Rotary
Hebden Bridge Rotary
Elland Rotary
Brighouse Rotary

Find Sports Clubs in Calderdale