Paying for care and support

Here we explain more about how to access and pay for care and support at home or in a care home.

If you believe you may be eligible for care and support from Calderdale Council, then a social care assessor will talk with you first. You can ask for an appointment by contacting the Council’s Gateway to Care service.  If you have savings or own assets over £23,250 then you may have to pay all costs yourself.   If you are eligible for support, you will either be given a personal budget (called a Direct Payment) or the Council will arrange and pay for your care.

Financial Assessment
If you believe you may be eligible for funded care and support, then you will need to complete a financial assessent. If you need help with this you can ask for an independent advocate. If you cannot make decisions about finances, then you must have an appointed financial representative such as a Power of Attorney for Property & Financial Affairs, or a financial Deputyship under the Court of Protection.  The Council’s social care assessor can support you to get a financial representative.

Continuing Healthcare
If however you have assets above £23,250 but your GP, community nurse or social care assessor thinks you may be eligible for Continuing Healthcare.  They can refer you for an assessment.   Free of charge services can include:

Intermediate care and reablement services
Minor adaptations to property that cost less than £1,000 or aids to assist daily living
Advice and information around care and support
Care and support if you have CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease)
Carer’s Support Services.

Paying for care
If you are a Self-Funder (not eligible for support), you can still ask the Council to help but you will pay the full cost of your care and support up to £511 per week. If you live in a care home, ou will also pay the full cost.

If you want either homecare or to move into a care home which charges above the weekly allowance (£511), you will will have to pay a top-up fee.

Other forms of benefit
You may be eligible for other benefits for your care and support including:
Attendance Allowance (this is not means tested)  – find out more
The care component of Personal Independence Payment – find out more
The Severe Disability Premium. Find out more

Moving into a care home
If you live in your own property, the property is not taken into account in your financial assessment for the first 12 weeks. After that your hare of the value will usually be taken into account (assuming you are a joint owner). Once you have moved into a care home, you will contribute most of your inome towards your placement but leaving enough money to buy personal items (Personal Expenses Allowance). Calderdale Council will loan you any additional money if you need to sell your home to cover the fees. This is a Deferred Payment Agreement. You may choose to rent your property out to cover these costs.

To contact Gateway to Care call 01422 393000 or email or see our Gateway to Care page.

Find out more about paying for care

Your care options – read more in our handy guide

Independent Age Factsheets & Info

This charity produces a lot of useful info, including factsheets and web pages on a range of subjects including:

Webpage:  NHS funding for social care| Independent Age.
Download factsheet ‘Continuing Healthcare: Should the NHS be paying for your care?

If your council arranges care and support for you, you may need to pay towards your care costs. You might be tempted to spend your money or give away property to reduce the amount you have to pay. But be careful – this could affect your entitlement to council funding.  Read about this and other essential information in this factsheet.