Calderdale Cabinet Budget Proposals for Consultation 2018/19 to 2020/21

On Monday the 15th January 2018 Calderdale Council’s Cabinet met and agreed its budget plans to 2020/21.

The budget sets out how much money is available for the Council to deliver its priorities and services over the next three years, and how that money will be spent. On top of the savings plans already in place, the Council has to reduce expenditure by a further £2.6m in 2018/19 and £8m in from 2019/20 onwards. This will mean making difficult decisions on how to deliver services with less money so the Council now need your help.

You can read the overall consultation budget report, growth & savings proposals and initial Equality Impact Assessments (EIA) by clicking on the links below:

In summary they are proposing to:

  • raise Council Tax by 2.99% next year and add a 3% Social Care Precept on top to pay for care for vulnerable adult residents
  • reduce the number of managers and other staff by merging teams and moving more services online
  • fund different priorities from the public health budget
  • increase the charges for some services that the Council provides, such as bereavement services
  • reduce some of the money they pay to West Yorkshire Combined Authority
  • spend less on IT, staff training and other internal support services

But, they are also putting new investment into some key areas:

  • Winter maintenance/gritting roads
  • homelessness and destitution
  • deferring planned savings in Waste Services
  • an additional Fire Safety post to enhance Calderdale’s resilience to tragedies, like Grenfell Tower
  • extra funding to continue the Emergency Living Scheme


The Council are now looking for input from Calderdale residents – they want your comments and views. There are several ways to do this:

Alternatively, public meetings are currently being organised and these will be publicised when the final arrangements have been made. They are also planning to consult with partner organisations in the voluntary/community sector, bodies representing vulnerable groups and the business community.

Consultation on the budget proposals will end on Monday 12th February 2018. Final decisions will be made at the Annual Budget Council meeting on Monday 26th February 2018 (6pm start).

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