Centre For Ageing Better Newsletter

U-shaped crisis: the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on older workers

Resolution Foundation – April 2021

This briefing examines the impact of the pandemic on older workers, assesses the impact of previous crises, and places this crisis in the context of longer-term trends in employment among older workers.

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Living longer: older workers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Office for National Statistics – May 2021

This report gives an overview of the demographic and economic characteristics of older workers aged 50 years and over prior to the coronavirus pandemic, and how the impact of the pandemic on older workers has varied based on these characteristics.

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Older adults’ integration in the labour market – a global view

Börsch-Supan A et al, Ageing and Society, 41 (4) April 2021

Why do older people in Italy, on average, retire more than four years before statutory retirement age, in Japan four years after, and in the USA and UK more or less at statutory retirement age? This article looks at the legislative frameworks that may influence early or late retirement decisions.

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Inequalities and poverty risks in old age across Europe – The double-edged income effect of pension systems

Ebbinghaus B, Social Policy and Administration, 55 (3) May 2021

This study looks at the impact, across Europe, of different public pension schemes on income and inequality in older age. Beveridge style schemes, used in the UK, which provide a basic income, leave a medium to high risk of poverty. Bismarckian, social insurance (pay as you go) schemes, used in Germany, reduce poverty but perpetuate inequality.

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Past, present and future: housing policy and poor-quality homes

Centre for Ageing Better – May 2021

This report presents a series of recommendations for addressing the widely acknowledged crisis in housing quality in England and its impact on older people.

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Place design guide: what makes great places for people?

Places for People – April 2021

This guidance outlines advice on supporting happiness of people and the wellbeing of communities through design. It looks at how we should build new developments, manage existing places, connect to our surroundings and create great commercially viable places for people.

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Towards meaningful mobility

Meijering L, Ageing and Society, 41 (4) April 2021

Physical movement contributes to health and wellbeing in later life. Most studies however focus on outdoor mobility and active ageing, despite the fact that older people spend up to 80% of their time at home. This study suggests that researchers should include indoor mobility in studies on mobility patterns in later life.

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The use of public space in a public housing complex by senior citizens

Matsumoto H et al, Journal of Aging and Environment, 35 (2) April-June 2021

How do older people use ‘community gathering spaces’, designed to encourage socialising, in public housing complexes? This study, from Japan, suggests the most common uses are visiting a park; attending a school; using a library; using a meeting room; shopping for commodities and participating in events.

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Social Care 360

The King’s Fund – May 2021

This year’s Social Care 360 report uses the latest available data (2019/20) to describe the key trends in adult social care as the COVID-19 pandemic struck and to suggest what the impact of the pandemic might be. It paints a bleak picture of adult social care in England, with many key indicators already going in the wrong direction before the pandemic struck.

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Age differences in attitudes about older adults with dementia

Newton C et al, Ageing and Society, 41 (1) January 2021

Does age affect our attitude to dementia? This study finds that older people, care givers, and those who have less ageist attitudes, are more comfortable around a person with dementia. However, those with prior knowledge of dementia are less comfortable. Gender and education level have no effect on the findings.

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Briefing paper on the Tackling Loneliness Network

Independent Age and the Alzheimer’s Society – May 2021

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) established the Tackling Loneliness Network to build social connections and tackle loneliness, both during the immediate COVID-19 crisis and longer term. This briefing provides recommendations for government, business and the voluntary sector on how to tackle the immediate impacts of COVID-19 and also how to address the structural factors that affect the experiences of people in later life.

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Why do people abandon assistive technologies? Research suggests users need to be partners in design

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) – May 2021

Many people with long term chronic conditions need a lot of support in their daily lives. A wide range of assistive technologies are designed to help, including wheelchairs, hearing aids, and electronic devices. But people often give up using them. This briefing summarises the findings of research that explored the main barriers that people experienced when using assistive technologies.

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‘It’s most of my life – going to the pub or the group’

Hadley R A, Ageing and Society, 41 (1) January 2021

This study examines the social networks of involuntarily childless older men. Not having children reduces vertical family structure and affects the wider formal and informal social links that children can bring. The impact of major lifecourse events and non-events has ‘significant implications for how childless people perform and view their social and self-identity’.

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